2012년 6월 16일 토요일

Starting Your Own Business

I visited Ann Arbor Spark yesterday(6/15). It costs $25 for participation."Starting your own business" We was given information about small business success story, product development and intellectual property, finance, legal, accounting, insurance, marketing(presenter mentioned about SEO) and business plan etc. After lunch, there was Q&A time from each expert and individual coaching.

It was long workshop(9am to 4pm) but it was very useful as well. I could meet various people who is interested in founding their each business with various its purpose. Most of them are considering their company starting in Ann Arbor area. In this workshop I dreamed and pictured myself to found my own nonprofit organization for children and the homeless. (I have a dream to help them find their dreams and achieve them)

And, I got to know Judy Eveler. She is considering to start her business about ESL(English as a second language) focused on international students in Michigan. Great idea! I hope everything will go well!

Among the many presentations, Lisa Mininni's presentations was impressing! She allowed us to involve in her presentations. We made four separate groups; fast paced tasks, fast paced people, methodical people and methodical tasks group. I was in methodical tasks group. She said, "Confused mind never buys"!!!

  • fast paced tasks group- they make a decision very quickly, thinking big picture. Just do it people.
  • fast paced people group-they are stylish, trendy, extrovert and chatty.
  • methodical people group-they are very specific, people oriented and calm.
  • methodical tasks group-detail and different with fast paced tasks group.

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